marți, 22 noiembrie 2016

JUMP Activity


  • Read all the steps aloud
  • You will follow 7 steps
  • Everyone gets the same amount of time, this needs to be timed
  • Everyone is equal in this process
  • Follow each step exactly as it is read to you
  • Give each person and each contribution your full attention. Be curious and get inspired byothers
  • This group conversation should contain a maximum of 6 people
  • Make sure you inform participants about how you keep the time and signal moving to the next person. Read all the steps aloud.

Step 1: The promise

We promise each other the following 3 things:
1.I will not judge myself and others in this group
2.I promise to support myself and others in this group, in the steps we want to take
3.Everything that is being sais in this session will stay amongst the group members

  • Check with group(s) whether they can agree to this. Do not proceed if there are doubts orclarifications to be had!

Step 2: Celebrate your success

Inform participants: For this step we will take 2 minutes per person

Read aloud:
“Share a personal success. Something you are proud of, something you did yourself out of your own capacities. It can be something small, or something really big. Everything is ok, as long as you are proud of it. To success belongs applause! That is why everyone will be applauded to after his or her contribution.

So: What are you proud of?”

Step 3: Who are you now?

Inform participants : For this step we will take 2 minutes per person

Read aloud:
“Share how you feel right now. What do you think about, how do you feel in your own skin? You can share an anecdote or keywords. Everything that comes up is good. After each turn the group
members will compliment. Be aware: Do not give feedback or advise. Take care that you are not hiding advise in your compliment.

So: Who are you right now?”

Step 4: Where do you want to go?

Inform participants : For this step we will take 2 minutes per person

Read aloud:
“Share with the others which jump you are willing to make. If that step is not very clear right now, that’s ok. Just share out loud where your thoughts lead you. The others listen carefully to your story. No reactions, no answers, no advise, no feedback. Nothing.

So: Where do you want to go?”

Step 5: Replace and receive

Inform participants : For this step we will take 2 minutes per person

Read aloud:
“In this round you will become your right neighbor. Go sit or stand in his or her place and give yourself (while being this person) the best advise possible. Start your sentence with: “My name is (name of your right neighbor) and the advise I am giving myself is…”. Again, no comments or opinions. We listen to each other carefully. After everyone’s turn, we move back to our old place.”

Step 6: Your next step

Inform participants : For this step we will take 2 minutes per person

Read aloud:
“Decide on your next step: What are you going to do or what will you stop doing? Share this with the group. After each turn, we will reward the courage necessary for this step with a round of applause. Be aware: No words!

So: what are you going to do or stop doing?”

Step 7: Appreciation

Inform participants : For this step we will take 3 minutes for the whole group

Read aloud:
“Tell each other what you are grateful for. It can be anything: Words, people, experiences… You do not need to wait for your turn: Speak whenever you know what to say!”

  • Congratulate participants for sharing their steps. Maybe do a short debriefing about howthey feel right now and what this experience meant to them, without them disclosing anyspecific information they have shared in the groups. Finish this session by saying:

“Thank you for participating in this conversation. Use the outcomes for your own benefit. And do not forget:

If we all take steps, society is moving

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